When God Makes A Friend Just For You-

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It was 14 years ago when we first met, she was a bubbly lady all of 5 feet, with dark brown hair, she would sometimes color darker, green eyes, and a personality that stopped you in your tracks! We were riding Harley’s at the time and Mr. and I had stopped at a local restaurant, known for its Motorcycle riders, 70’s tunes with live bands, and food that was good eating. The place was hopping and full no place to sit once we ordered our food. So, we stood there holding our drinks and trays, when up she walked and said, hey come sit with us there are 2 extra seats. It was friendship at first sight for sure.

Over these last 15 years, she has buried a husband, remarried, moved to Montana, and back for the Summer months. She has been there for me at every turning point in my life. My surgeries, my sickness, my fears, my happy times. She walks into the room and can take the floor if need be or just sit and let you ramble, cry, or whatever you need to do. We have shared with each other more than once that God made us for each other. You are the one who can hear you even when you do not say a word, that friend who knows you need a night out for dinner and chat, or a mani-pedi. I’ve met many people in my lifetime. But, This one is a true keeper, I cannot imagine my life without her in it!

She’s the one that can cook better than anyone I know and anything. She took care of me when I lived here alone and was very sick with COVID at the end of 2019 into 2020 but we did not know about COVID at that time. Thank the Lord she did not get sick. She sends me cards in the mail and they arrive on a day I need them most. How does she do it, how does she know? It’s a friendship brought together by God. She tells me all the time, Debbie, I am not sure if without you in my life when Tim passed away I would have made it through it. I tell her all I did was listen, love, and care, you did the rest. If you have that one true friend, the one that would never speak ill of you to another yet call you out face to face if need be. One that is there for you when you need them no matter the time or day, my friend is A God-Friend- I have many photos of us but she is not on social media, nor is her husband, so I rarely share photos of us out of respect to them, as they have asked. Her husband now is an entrepreneur and is known by some so we will call her by her first name Betsy, and leave it there. Be blessed ladies, and tell that bestie how much you love them, your God-Friend is a gift sent to you from God.

21 thoughts on “When God Makes A Friend Just For You-”

  1. What a beautiful friendship! God has brought me a new friend during this season of Covid. She has lived 2 doors down and we’ve never really met other than Hello as she was walking to the park with friends in years past. She is now a widow. Her husband died 5 years ago of MS. She has a great group of friends but during Covid, they have rarely seen each other. We met by accident over the winter. We sit outside and visit and get to know each other. She has her husbands service dog and she allows my son with Autism to “dog sit” a few hours a week! She is a kind and caring person and I am thankful for her. I feel she needed us as much as we needed her!

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  3. That’s such a beautiful description of the kind of friendship God intended for us. I’m so happy that you have her and that you both feel the same. That’s definitely a God friend ! 🙏🏻🙌🥰

  4. There’s nothing like having a true friend sent by God. I have quite a few here ,always my friends near or far away. They have patiently waited for me to come home stood by and ones that was in Tennessee too. What a beautiful story and testimony of you and your dearest sweet friend 😘🌹🌺🌻❤

  5. I am thankful that God has put two friends in my life like your precious’God sent ‘ friend! I remember when you were so sick last year. So thankful you have recovered and your friend didn’t get that horrible illness! Women who have friends like this are very blessed! And, I am thankful that you are one of my awesome Facebook friends! Thank you, for the email, Debbie! Hope you have a wonderful Easter with your family! Love you, Susan

    1. I do feel blessed, I am thankful grateful and I know what I have in her as a friend. I was 50 when we met, so many years I did not have this type of friendships. While I had friends and still do, she is just special beyond measure.

      1. It’s great to have friends you can count on, hope you find a good dentist that can fix all of your dental issues. Happy Easter 🐣

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