Whew, it has been a rough go-

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27 thoughts on “Whew, it has been a rough go-”

  1. Bless your heart Debbie, sounds like you are having a rough time. Will be praying for you to get better soon. God has you girl. This too shall pass and hoping you have the best 2024! Take care.

  2. Taking meds helps with one thing but can mess you up in other ways, hope you get well soon. I used to be very OCD in that everything had to be perfect all the time & I drove myself & my husband a little crazy. I will always like things just right but I have relaxed myself a lot cause as I am getting older my body just doesn’t let me do everything I used to be able to do. So when I get a burst of energy I run around & “fix” stuff up. It will always be in my nature to clean up & have things be perfect, especially when having company, but now I can cut out a few things & relax. Life is too short to stress on “stuff” anymore. Be well Debbie 🙏

  3. Debbie, I want to be in with you this year. I am just like you, a perfectionist. But with a husband who is not! Which adds to the stress. My motto is going to be “So be it.” Praying that we both have a very happy 2024.

  4. My sweet friend, sounds like you are having a battle with your health. Praying the meds will work quickly and not upset your stomach so much.
    So nice that you have such a helpful husband! Please take care of yourself and rest. And not worry about things you feel needs to be done. It’s not going anywhere. Hard lesson I had to learn a few years ago when I was ill.
    I saw where one of your followers lives in Abilene,Tx. I was born there and had cousins and a grandmother living there for a long time! It’s about a three hour drive east from where I live now.
    Anyway, you take care and get well soon! Love you sweet fb friend, Susan

  5. Oh Debbie,
    It does sound like a rough time! With autoimmune conditions, the flare from one condition can trigger another condition and that seems to be what you are going thru, and I am so sorry to hear this. I have Hashimoto’s like you, and have been tested a few times for the H-Pylori, but I am thankful this has come up negative for me. This sounds so miserable! With time and rest, I know this will resolve and you will regain your strength and feel better again soon. All good wishes and prayers for you Debbie.


  6. I’m in! I’m in for not stressing and really in for feeling better. It’s been a rough 16 months. I’m so sorry you got so sick. I’m one of those that can’t breeze through illness or meds to get better. Meds I need, seem to cause awful stomach distress. Praying that all who follow you, will have a much better year!

  7. Prayers for you sweet lady. Pray your body gets well soon. I know some ladies that have OCD. I am not and never have been. I know it can take a toll on your body and spirit at times. I pray your new year is relaxed and enjoyable. Thankful you have Mr. Shabby to help you get things done. God bless and refresh you each and every day.

    1. Mary, I should not have used OCD like I did, I have never been diagnosed with it dear, I think I am a perfectionist, no I know I am. At times a few of my friends and I chat a couple say do you think we have OCD because we want things just right. Have a wonderful afternoon

  8. Debbie, I can always relate to what you say! I hope you’re feeling amazing soon! My husband had h pylori years ago and I remember how rough it was for him. This has been such a hard season for me as well. I had messaged you that I was having back surgery to relieve pain the week before Thanksgiving. I ended up w nerve pain from the SI joint. I’ve never been in so much pain. I couldn’t walk without assistance, could only stand for a very short time, was unable to even dress to go to my son’s for Thanksgiving. Then the week after Thanksgiving, I got food poisoning! I was sick w that for over a week and had to start antibiotic to clear up the infection from the food poisoning. I reached the lowest point in my life w both the pain and sickness and thankfully, God and my husband caught me. My sister and her husband set up our Christmas tree bc my husband was recovering from surgery and unable to lift much, but left the decorating for us. It took us so long to decorate and we did a minimal amount inside and out. I quit wearing makeup during this time, I was too exhausted. We found out who really cared about us and loved us. Actions speak louder than words. We had to ask for help from our son, he and our dil didn’t offer help or check on us, didnt visit or bring our granddaughters to see us. This has been one of the hardest realizations to accept, especially when we see how much is done by him for others, we’re just not on that list! We spent a quiet relaxing Christmas at home w my husband’s 85 yr old mom and our youngest son came to visit for a few days. It was the best Christmas in a long time. I miss our granddaughters! I was too sick and in too much pain to have them w us and I’m looking forward to catching up on time w them now that I’m feeling much better and my energy is slowly returning. They are 6 and 4. I am blessed w a sweet friend who left a tin of cookies on my porch one morning before Christmas. It meant so much bc I wasn’t up to my usual holiday baking. Another friend of my husband who is recovering from an injury during surgery where he didn’t wake up and when he did, had symptoms like he had a stroke, unable to talk, paralyzed on one side, baked us a delicious coffee cake. His wife called it therapy! It was so special and he’s slowly improving. God is good. This season has taught me more than ever what is important, to count my blessings, to appreciate the ones who are really there, to quit giving so much of myself to those who don’t care, I can still love and pray for them but they don’t need to drag me down, and I don’t need makeup to feel pretty! Moisturizer and doing something w my hair and I’m ready for the day! I’m feeling joy again where just days ago, Christmas eve and all the days before, I cried as soon as I woke up, without a thought, instant reaction, like grief. I’m thankful to be going into the new year w you! You bless me every day. I’m praying for you, that you will be feeling much better soon! Debbie, I’m sorry this was so long, I just had so much to share once I got started.

    1. Terri, my sweet Facebook friend, you have been through it. My heartfelt prayers for you and your husband…. I would love for you to read another story here Headed into the New Year With God- you will see that many understand. I’ll say a prayer for healthy for you and your husband. Read that post and maybe you’ll get some insight for 2024 about people in your life. I wish you a HEALTHY HAPPY, & Blessed New Year

  9. Ohmygracious!! It’s bad enough to be sick and worse to be sick and taking medication that’s supposed to help you get better but also starts more issues and symptoms. I hope that you will get and be better very soon.

    You have a beautiful home and you like to keep it that way. You may need to leave something for another day. I do think the OCD really brings so much stress to people. Praying for you as the year starts. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    1. Thank you, Elaine while I have never been diagnosed with OCD a few of the ladies I know say we are OCD because we all seem to be this way. I think we are just prefectionst, which comes from childhood, maybe?? Happy New Year I hope it treats you with love, laughter, and blessings

  10. Dear Debbie,
    I really hope you feel better soon! My Dad had h.pylori and it was cured with 6-week series of Amoxicillin. He has been fine since then. Antibiotics quickly put me into colitis so I really understand your GI issues from antibiotics.
    I was a great housekeeper until I developed mono with luver involvement. I was sick in bed for 3 weeks. One of my nursing coworkers brought food & I will never forget her, especially for helping like that. But no phone calls or visits from the rest of my coworkers or my 6 siblings. My parents came but my Dad didn’t come in the house & Mom came in but stood at the foot of my bed to visit a couple minutes, that was it. My hubby chewed me out for using multiple water glasses in one day instead of reusing one glass. 🙃 Subsequently, I cleaned as needed on days off from work & now after retirement, it has gotten even worse & I clean after I have watched dust bunnies for a few days bc I have no work schedule. We are both retired but he does nothing unless I ask directly. I now understand when I read women say “the house could fall down around him & he wouldn’t do anything!” Ha!

    1. Vonnie, I am one three different meds 2 antibiotics, I’ll get rested in 3 weeks after I have finished the 14 days meds. Lord, please I can not take them no 6 weeks they are making me so sick. Just as I have gotten older has antibiotics started messing with me in bad ways. So, prayerfully no H Pylori in the next month

  11. Debbie I’m praying for your healing and nobody else in your family catch it. I enjoy your blog. Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you, it is not contagious unless they eat or drink after me, Mr. Shabby has not and will not. By the Grace of God this too shall pas and I will feel not just better but wonderful for this 2024.

      1. Oh Debbie ~ I am SO sorry that you are still sick! I KNOW when I have pain for a period of time…(heaadache & then nausea, drizziness & nausea, or sinus infections!) ~ these get me down, then depression sets in.
        When young, I used to get tonsillitis a lot~ every winter, … then Strep throat.
        Finally at 21, I had surgery and got my tonsils removed. Also, I had a lot of Gut problems and was diagnosed with ulcers, then Gall Bladder.
        I have had surgery for GB, also Appendix.
        Now I have an incurable disease, Dr has prescribed pills to slow the progress ~ but those have caused blood clots in my lungs & depleted my immune system!!
        Guess Maybe I will have 1 or more health problems until he calls me Home?
        I know that some people have many health issues, some people have none ~ but guess it is not for us to question?
        Wondering if your system is allergic to meds that are currently prescribed???
        I think I’d be calling my Dr & complaining… maybe every other day?!! 🥵😢 PRAYING
        for you my dear friend ~ for health and much better days!
        💗💗💗🙏🙏 cj

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