You Are Enough-

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28 thoughts on “You Are Enough-”

  1. Thanks for this wisdom ! You know I deal with this insecurity of feeling like I’m never good enough. I put myself down all the time. You are so right about how our Father created and sees us. As His children He doesn’t expect us to be perfect but to continue to follow Him and do all we can to let His light and love shine thru us.
    You have given me the words I need to hear desperately. Thank you, sweet friend. Love you so much !

  2. We are made in the image of the creator. I am sure he knows we are not perfect but do recognize this ourselves? I know it is tough to acknowledge but I find I have to do it several times a day. Thanks for the gentle reminder.

  3. So much of what you’ve said resonates with me. Our childhoods sound very similar. Psalm 139 is one of my favorites and reminds me of how lived I am. Thanks, Debbie, for sharing your thoughts and feelings that so many if us can identify with. ❤️

    1. Carolyn, I hope to share more often as the blog gets a much needed facelift. The advertising will still be here to help me with expenses. But, they should pop up all over the place hindering all of you from reading my post.

  4. Thank you for sharing this much needed message today. This is something that I work on daily because I never felt like I was good enough for anything or anyone. I began to think differently about everything.

    You are good enough and we all are good enough. I love you my dear sweet friend and sister. You be yourself ♥️🙏🏻♥️

  5. Oh, these words are so true. Only because of Him, am I worthy! Being in this human body I have these exact feelings at times. I know I shouldn’t, but I do. Pray about this so much.

  6. Debbie, I have always felt that I wasn’t good enough….I still feel that way sometimes. I get so down on myself it’s hard to get back up. Thank you for this wonderful message today.

  7. I never thought about this until I read it here. It is so true for me. I need to work on this for sure! Thank you!’I learn so much!

  8. Dear Debbie, what a wonderful gift your friend gave you when she said you don’t have to edit yourself for her 💝 I hope she is very present in your life, but even if she moved away, I think she would keep in touch with you. Thank you for choosing this scripture to write about 🩷

  9. I am overwhelmed daily that God came down in human form to die on the cross for me an unworthy sinner! But because He did he deemed me worthy!

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