You Were Made To Stand Out, Not Fit In, He Said.

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When I was a kid in the ’60s things were so very different from today. I now realize what my parents thought when they got my age and all the changes that had occurred in their lifetime. As kids in my generation, we played outside ALL day, in the summer months. It did not matter that it was 98 out we just grabbed a drink of water from the neighbor’s hosepipe, some of you may call them a water hose, watering hose! As a Southern girl, growing up in the south and staying here all my life, it is still a hose-pipe to me. So not everything changed. ha!

Gosh, we played in the creek, build forts and treehouses, the worst I had ever been hurt as a kid was a sprained ankle after falling 8ft from that treehouse we are almost done building. I had to sit the next for 3 weeks out and not get to help finish that treehouse. Oh, man it almost killed me, I wanted to be there for the start to finish, but, it was so cool and we had some fun times in that treehouse, innocent fun. We would get old boards, nails, etc. from our parent’s junk pile to build us that treehouse. I wish I had a photo of that Treehouse it was awesome. We played kickball, softball, dodge ball, in the streets and yes we moved when cars came by not like today they stand in the streets until they are ready to move. We danced with our transistor radio when our favorite song came on.

I have always been a music lover it was my escape from whatever was bother me or just my daydreams as the music played I’d think yes, one day my knight in shining armor will ride in and carry me away. I remember all of my neighbors well on my block, Sharon and Debbie Russell across the street, Sharon has gone home now to be with Jesus. Debbie lives in another state. The Mullins Brothers Mike now also gone home to be with Jesus. The Kelley’s there were 4 of them, three of them still with us.

As much fun as it was and yes, we had fun, I always felt like I really was different from them, not better, not worse, just different. The older I get I see and talk with more and more people that say this as well. As we get older we let go of the way we think we should be and allow ourselves to be who we were created to be. We are each created in His likeness, but different. So, when you look back and think I never felt like I fit in ask yourself was I supposed to? Or was I created to be the very person I was and have become?

In so many things along my journey, I have stepped off the path and took some of what I will call God’s hand to my heart. Sometimes it takes hard lessons for us to see where we are meant to be at that given time in our lives, or where He is setting us up to be next year. Recently, at 64 I have decided that while I may not have always fit in I was exactly what He created me to be, I am made by Him, for Him, and I am to please only Him, first.

I hope that by now at our age we have all realized that God makes NO mistakes nope not one! We make mistakes but God doesn’t. And it occurred to me that maybe I was not to fit in, He made me to Standout! So, if you feel like you do not fit in, maybe you were made to Standout. He uses us all for His glory even in ways that might make us stand out, and not fit in.

20 thoughts on “You Were Made To Stand Out, Not Fit In, He Said.”

  1. Hi Debbie, thanks for the memories, how wonderful they were. My Brother and I could have fun out of nothing that was any value to anyone else and we had fun, and we talked to each other, no texting at the dinner table, we talked over each other and could wait to tell the family our days experiences. Wow! We have come a long way from those wonderful times. You are so right God makes no mistakes, I love what God have done for me in my life, even though there were tragedies in my life, I feel they were life lessons, and I’m not the exclusive owner of the sad times as well as the good.
    God Bless you Debbie. All is good with God in our lives.

    Love, Carolyn

  2. I had about the same kind of child hood, after our morning farm chores were done we stayed in the woods ,playing

  3. I never fit in with some people, but I did have friends. God has always been good to me. There were seven of us growing up with Momma and Daddy. We stayed outside all day and played. We road in the back of the truck, which was fun. I started to school in Maylene, then to Calera, Camp Branch, Fungo Hollow(Pelham now), Alabaster and finally to Montevallo. Made lots of friends and still think of them often. Thanks again, Debbie, for sharing. Love and prayers to you.

  4. Debbie, I love reading your stories. The truths you tell are hard and inspiring, trying and triumphant as you continue walking with God day by day. Your kind spirit comes shining through everyone of your posts. You continue to use all that God has put in your life to reach out to others and encourage them wherever they are in life. I didn’t know you growing up but the 14 years that I have known you, have been wonderful and you’ve helped and encouraged me so many times. And still do !!!
    You are different ! You truly are who God has created you to be ! May God continue His work in you and through you and I ask His Blessings over all aspects of your life !

    Love you sweet friend ❤️


  5. I never felt like I fit in but I never tried to stand out either. The opposite is more true. I have found out this is the best place to see everything and hear everything so I can stand in the gap for all even if they don t know they need it. I hope I’m doing it the way God wants me to do it. He hasn’t told me to change it though.
    It think our way of growing up is the start of our way in life. Bad or good creates our characters to be what we are to be.
    Love Linda

  6. So very true Debbie. Our childhood is so much different from even our children’s childhood. We try to impart things into our children’s childhood. Things we thought was fun that we did as a child. The time were are living in so different than when we grew up. I hope I instilled into my daughter’s life. To never act like she was better than anyone else. To be a friend to those who others left out. To share love and kindness . To give to others in need to lend a helping hand. Also that she should be true to her heart. My daughter and granddaughter and their pets were in a very bad car accident. My daughter had multiple injuries. She came a long way. She has a ways to go. The ones she thought as friends. Well they were long gone. But in her broken state she still continues to give to others. I know God’s not finished with her yet. God’s many blessings for your life Debbie cause Gods not finished with you either.

    1. No, He is not, there is much that I want to see come to pass, things I want God to allow me to see here on this earth. Things I need to learn and share. I will keep your daughter in my prayers that is for sure. God bless her as she continues to give while she is in need. I learned many years ago the best giving we can do for others is when we feel broken. Giving through that brokenness is so rewarding to our hearts minds and spirits.

  7. Debbie, I felt the same way growing up. My Dad was a Baptist preacher and we moved around numerous times. I met some of the best friends in every town we went to except one. I also felt that I didn’t fit in since my Dad was a preacher. I played in the woods many times by myself and played alone because my sisters were older than me. We always had Bible time in our home and prayed at every meal. Life was so much different back then and in reality, we had it made and didn’t even realize it. The world today is nothing like it was back then. I still don’t fit in even though I love most of the ladies that I work with. We live in different directions and don’t have a social life and you can bet, our working life is awesome because we are “kindred spirits” and love each other.
    I agree totally that God does not make mistakes!! His Mighty Arms and Love covers us and He promised never to leave nor forsake us. My prayers are with you as your life continues to change and revolve around Him. May we all seek Him and the Love that He offers. God will continue to Bless you along the way. Love, Elaine

  8. Debbie, I totally understand this. When we moved to Center Point, leaving all my friends behind, I didn’t fit in. Everyone else had been friends most of their 9 years and had all been to school together. I made friends with others that joined the school after me because I did not want anyone else to feel the way I did. Then my dad died when I was 13. Again, I didn’t fit in. I got married after high school and moved away. Then my husband left me. I was a single mother and didn’t fit in. Then my 2nd husband’s drugs and alcohol and emotional abuse. My in-laws never accepted me. I had cancer and ended up with lymphedema. I lost my mom. I became diabetic. Then I lost my son. I feel like my granddaughter tolerates me but she lives 17 hours away. I have found a church where I feel welcomed and loved. I still don’t feel like I fit in. I see others that aren’t and haven’t ever been really sick, have been happily married to their first husbands forever, their children are all living, married and their grandchildren love them and I wonder why God gave me the rocky path. I don’t understand. Most days I am able to focus my eyes on God and trust that His plans are perfect. But, one in a while, I cry for what I have lost. Then I feel guilty because I didn’t trust God enough. Then I think that God knows my heart and He knows how I feel.🤷🏻‍♀️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

    1. Deena, I know God understands how you feel totally. While humans may never totally get it He does. You have faced some hardships, my friend. Yet you are here to talk about it, share it so that others that have just now gone through where you have been can see there is a light at the end of this dark, scary and often lonely tunnel. May God continue to do great things in your life as others see His works in you.

  9. This was a great story. And as one can say, I have lived through the same wonderful period. A time of great freedom peace and so much fun with friends.

  10. Debbie, apparently we shared the same childhood although I am a few years older. My only injury during that time was a concussion when I fell out of the treehouse we had built. Only time the doctor made an actual house call, imagine that!! Those were the days 😊

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