Have you ever had so many emotions stirring up all at the same time? Excitement, happiness, love, anger, fear to name a few. Some might say that is not possible, but, I beg to differ with them. Emotions are Read more
Blog Posts

I Was One Busy Little Girl-
As you can see from my photos at 2, 5, and 7 I had short hair. When I was young it was unruly, to say the least. I was tender-headed still am, and it was too much drama when Read more

You Were Made To Stand Out, Not Fit In, He Said.
When I was a kid in the ’60s things were so very different from today. I now realize what my parents thought when they got my age and all the changes that had occurred in their lifetime. As kids Read more

Homemade Reese’s Cups- Organic Ingredients, No Sugar, And So Yummy!
- 3/4 cup melted coconut oil and Ghee I used 2 tablespoons of Ghee
- 1/2 cup cocoa powder (more or less to taste)
- 2-4 tablespoons natural sweetener I used dark chocolate liquid stevia drops (15)
- Read more

God, Help Me To Understand Your Plans In My Life-
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds; James 1:2Today has been 72 hours since I unplugged from my daily Facebook, TV, News, and other Social Media. I’ve been reading scripture that has to Read more

Bringing It All To The Light
I have backed off from social media for a bit, I am plugging into GOD, Just me and God. So much has taken place in my life, already in 2020 it seems to be all or nothing at times Read more

When Life Changes-And It Will-
I posted a quote this AM about praying that the tears we cried in 2019 will water the seeds we plant in 2020! I must share for those of you that think your life is rotten. We all go Read more

Pay Attention To Your Surroundings At All Times
This AM I am going back to the Doctor, it has been 2 weeks today that I was there and still have fluid in my ears, and a very sore throat. I just keep pushing along. I was at Read more

It was time-
It has been a few days since I rambled here, that’s what I call it because much of the time that’s what it comes out like, me rambling. Most of you have been with me for several years. You Read more

The House Shoe
Ok, picture it, 64-year-old lady, hair going every which away but the right way. Pajamas on robe and bootie house shoes. It had been three days since the mail had been checked. So, I thought ok, you can do Read more

I Call Her Friend
Good evening, I wanted just to share some of my thoughts and ramblings tonight. I am finally sitting down after a very busy three days. You see not only did Mr. Shabby come home, but my dearest friend surprised Read more