It was November 27th, 1982, I was 30 weeks pregnant with my second son. I had put my 6-year-old son to bed, Mr. Shabby and I were right behind him. I had a long day at work and was Read more
Blog Posts

This is what I do when I say I’m not going to post this weekend!
The page is only 1120 away from 10,000 likes in 9 months. Wow, that is good news considering FB allows 1/8 to 1/4 of those that like or follow to see our post each day unless you stay connected Read more

The Story Continues
Thank you so much for being patient, the story continues where we left off Saturday.
Well, I left you all hanging, didn’t I? That was not my intentions, I promise you. Mr. Shabby suprised me totally by coming home Read more

It’s Been Awhile
We are forever getting little droppings from Birds I guess and they sprout up maple trees and all kinds of trees. I spotted one in my large growing up through my Pine Straw, it was about 2 inches in Read more

Introduction, My Thorns, His Grace, By Debbie Reynolds
Introduction to “My Thorns and His Grace”
It was the summer of 1960; I was five and remember it all so well as if it were yesterday. My Dad had come home from a day of drinking; something he Read more

Three Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies, Delis!
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup white sugar
1 Egg
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
- Combine the peanut butter, white sugar, and egg. Read more

His Strength is made perfect in my weakness.
Thank you, all for the prayers on Friday, I can not go into what is going on yet, but, I can say that your prayers and kind words helped so much. I had some amazing women here with me Read more

Mr.Shabby & I
Good afternoon, I told you last night on the FB page that I would be sharing an update on Mr. Shabby and me. So many of you have messaged or emailed me to ask how things were, to wish Read more

The House That Built Me
This is the House that built me-
The photo is the home I grew up in with my parents ~ Fifteen years of my life as a youngster until I married in 1974.
Last week I had a dream Read more

I’ll Take The Screen Door Slamming
Growing up in the South the Summers could be brutal. But, in the early ’60s, not many of us had air conditioning in our homes. We had screened doors front and back, and window fans and it was 100 Read more

Spring 1960, at the age of 5
It was early Spring, in 1960, I had not been 5 but a few months. It was a very warm Spring afternoon in Alabama, and the kids in our neighborhood were all out playing. My Grandmother came to our Read more

I was a little on edge
I would like to share a story with you, today when doing my Bible verse I was reminded that we should be thankful for our trials, for in them we grow, we learn to seek out God’s love and Read more